Author and Publisher
Ann Ulrich Miller

Born and raised in the Midwest, my hometown was Monona, Wisconsin. As long as I can remember, I loved writing stories. I was the oldest daughter in a family with six kids, and my dad (Marvin Schumacher) was the first elected Mayor of the City of Monona in 1971. In 1972 I married my high school sweetheart (Jeff Ulrich) and we both graduated from Michigan State University, then relocated to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado ... which I now consider my home.
A lot has changed since then. After having three sons (now grown and with families of their own), my life changed in 1989, when I got divorced and subsequently married my soulmate, Ethan Miller. Our story is in my memoir, THROUGHOUT ALL TIME. We were together 19 years, till his passing ... and now I am a grandmother and brimming with creativity in my senior years ... I enjoy piano playing, art, nature, and I work in publishing, both for myself and a local newspaper. I am excited about the challenging years ahead with my best friend and partner, Doug.